SOP SAUDARA - Pangkep Culture Exploration

First, let thank and pray unto God Allah swt who has been giving us mercies and blessing so we can finished the simple paper on the time, although with limitations and simplicity because of our limited abilities.
This simple paper contains information about Culinary Typical Areas Pangkep or more specifically discusses about SOP SAUDARA PANGKEP. We hope this paper can be something worthwhile information to all of us.
We realize that this paper is in rough, therefore constructive criticism and suggestions we always hope for the perfection of this paper. Finally, we would like to thank to all participated in the preparation of this paper from beginning.
Pangkajene, September 2012
Author, Indah Nur Afiah annd Rani Anggraeni
Starting from the Kalibone bridge until the last stall in Mandalle, that’s the district border of Pangkep between Maros regency and Barru regency.
From there, there are a number of diversity that can be found, one of them about the culinary. The culinary who want we study is SOP SAUDARA
When compared to other stalls,  kind of stalls who serve soup and grilled fish does more than the other stalls.
There are also sources that say that naming SOP SAUDARA PANGKEP is the confirmation of the identity of origin. SOP SAUDARA considered a abbreviation of S; SAYA, O; ORANG, and P; PANGKEP so it becomes a sentence "SAYA ORANG PANGKEP". That is actually a form of declaration of identity. Basically, many methods used by people or communities to show identity, both by language, traditional clothing, traditional architecture, and more. The one of identity of Pangkep citizen is SOP SAUDARA. It also shows that people really Among the diverse and that diversity, identity preservation must be maintained.
 In 1957, H. Dollahi with his brother introduce a culinary called SOP SAUDARA for the first time as a food product soupy or soup that has a distinctive taste in the Senggol Karebosi Makassar market.  The name of SOP SAUDARA, inspired the name "Coto Paraikatte". "Paraikatte" has a same meaning with "brother", so named means that everyone who eating SOP SAUDARA  feels sisterly with the owners, waiters and customers of SOP SAUDARA. SOP SAUDARA PANGKEP is also a cullinary that becomes the identity in terms of names, SOP SAUDARA PANGKEP is different with the typical cullinary of South Sulawesi in general are usually has ethnically distinctive name, example Coto Makassar, a word Makassar here is ethnic, not a geographical aspect. SOP SAUDARA PANGKEP its taken from the name of the birthplace of H.Dollahi. The name SOP SAUDARA PANGKEP presented without specific ethnic labels, but comes with a representation of the district, namely "Pangkep". But actually, the area is populated by two big ethnic, namely Bugis and Makassar.
1.         250 gr meat, cut into 2 cm.
2.       750 ml water.
3.       1 cm ginger mashed.
4.      1 cm ginger root mashed.
5.       3 pieces of orange leaves in tatters.
6.      2 stem lemongrass, mashed.
7.       1 spoon of salt.
8.       ¼ spoon of nutmeg powder.
9.       1 cm cinnamon.
10.     1 egg.
11.        oil
Fine Spices :
1.         7  pieces of red onion.
2.       3 cloves of garlic.
3.       Pepper.
4.      Soun or bihun.
5.       ½ tablespoon corander.
6.      2 cm turmeric.
7.       ¼ tea spoon cumin..
8.       Egss.
9.       Oil.
Complement :
1.         50 gr thin rice noodles or bihun cooked briefly..
2.       Steam leaves onion, sliced.
3.       Fried onion.
4.      Steamed rice cut into piece.
5.       Lung chips.
6.      Perkedel Kentang.
How to Make it :
1.         First, boilied of meat whit water unti,l if soft.
2.       Heat oil, finally mix ingredients : ginger, gingerroot, lime leaves and the Cornella till fargant.
3.       Mixed spice into the stew meat, add salt, nutmeg and cinnamons, cook until the flavor permeat.
4.      Put into bowl, steamed rice, soun, spring onion, fried onion, tuberculosis, and dry meatball, potatoes, pour whit sauce on the meat.
5.       SOP SAUDARA be ready to served.
Seeing the potential of culinary Sop Saudara, Pangkep District Government in the reign of Ir. H. Syafrudin Nur M.Si through the Department of Culture and Tourism in 2007 held a festival of Sop Saudara. At that time, who was selected as the chairman is H. Syamsul Hamzah, ada H. Dollahi as a advisor would prefer to keep control of his Sop Saudara stalls.
Didn't stop there, in 2008 at the Clarion Hotel Makassar, Sop Saudara launched as a main menu of five-star hotel Makassar. In 2009, Sop Saudara represent a Indonesian cullinary in Tontong Fair International Culinary Festival in Denhaag, Netherlands. For the chairman of the "Association of Sop Saudara", Sop Saudara bring value and ambience of brotherhood. Now, Sop Saudara is a culinary identity of South Sulawesi, so if you visiting South Sulawesi without enjoying the taste of Sop Saudara, it feels less be complete visit.
In 1957, H. Dollahi introduce a culinary called SOP SAUDARA for the first time as a food product soupy or soup that has a distinctive taste. SOP SAUDARA named so that everyone who eating SOP SAUDARA feels sisterly with the owners, waiters and customers of SOP SAUDARA. There are also sources that say SOP SAUDARA considered a abbreviation of S; SAYA, O; ORANG, and P; PANGKEP so it becomes a sentence "SAYA ORANG PANGKEP". That is actually a form of declaration of identity. So, that identity preservation must be maintained.
Seeing the potential of culinary Sop Saudara, Pangkep District Government in the reign of Ir. H. Syafrudin Nur M.Si through the Department of Culture and Tourism in 2007 held a festival of Sop Saudara.
In 2008 at the Clarion Hotel Makassar, Sop Saudara launched as a main menu of five-star hotel Makassar. In 2009, Sop Saudara represent a Indonesian cullinary in Tontong Fair International Culinary Festival in Denhaag, Netherlands. Sop Saudara also considered bring value and ambience of brotherhood.
Now, Sop Saudara is a culinary identity of South Sulawesi.
Please leave any comment in this site or in my facebook account: Indah Nur Afiah, or in my twitter account @IndahNrfh :)

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